Please complete the following:
- Complete the online registration form (Links found below)
- Read the parent welcome letter
- Read the spectator code of conduct
- Read and understand the athletic code of conduct
- Complete the online registration form (player information, medical information)
- If student-athlete/parent are driving, complete the volunteer drivers form and submit to coach
- Read the parent welcome letter
- Pay athletic fee online ($125 for Major Sports and $75 for Minor Sports) Fees may not load until later after roster is finalized -
- You may find specific team fees on the code of conduct
- If you are a new student in grade 9-12 to Semiahmoo, please read below the links for important information.
If you are a new student to Semiahmoo Secondary, please see the Athletic Director (Mr. Chio) immediately to ensure you are registered to play for the school. Students that are not registered will not be able to play in competition.
- If you moved to Semiahmoo in the last 12 months, please complete the following form that applies to you and submit to Mr. Chio.
- Notification of Transfer Form (For players who attend Semiahmoo, but did not change their home address)
- Change of Residence Form (For players who attend Semiahmoo and changed their home address)
- If you moved to Semiahmoo and competed in a sport in your previous school in the last 12 months, you also need to complete the following form and submit to Mr. Chio
- Eligibility Application Form (must be completed in addition to one of the above forms)
- There is a $50 fee associated with the Eligibility Application. Students will be billed this in their School Cash Online.
- Eligibility Application Form (must be completed in addition to one of the above forms)